Northern Heart and Soul CIC dream of becoming a connected, healthy, wealthy and powerful community with self organising and renovating principles at its heart.
We believe that: “The Neighbourhood is the primary unit of change.” Cormac Russell
We sense this is possible as communities from all over the world are walking this path. Returning home to a more just future. The essence of home is deep within all our bones, from our ancestral lineages. Even if we haven’t experienced home, we deeply long for it.
On this journey, here in Wigan, we want to make new mistakes and centre those who have been most harmed on the journey to now and try new ways of doing things, some of which will work and some that will fail. We’d like to leave the place a little better for those who journey after us. We know it’s essential to journey in this way if we are to transition into a post capitalist world.
There’s a window of opportunity for shift making, whilst the pain of injustice and the joy of connection are still vivid memories from the global pandemic experience
Each community, every neighbourhood, has its own life; its rituals; its traditions; it’s intergenerational trauma, and, its life giving and healing ways of being.