Remade Wigan

ReMade Wigan


A safe, supportive and creative space, run by women for women.

We upcycle furniture and homewares in a woman safe workshop. We offer free workshops that support women to be confident, to feel like they belong and are valued, and to express their creativity in a purposeful way. ReMade is nurturing, inspiring and accessible, supported by volunteer mentors and visiting creatives.

We support women who might be going through tough times in all sorts of ways – but you don’t have to have a problem to access us. All women are welcome.

We do reach out to women who are experiencing inequalities, who might be in contact with the criminal justice system, who might be experiencing poor mental health, who might have issues with drugs or alcohol, women who might be living in extreme poverty. We reach out so we can remove barriers, and make ReMade an inclusive space. The peer support experienced by a group of women sharing experiences regardless of their background, economic or work status, is a joy to behold. Women end up belly laughing when they haven’t laughed for months.

We sell high quality upcycled items to the public, so everyone has the chance to buy creative, original items for their homes while supporting our project. The sales of these items go towards buying more paint, more brushes and sandpaper, enabling more work to be done by more women.
