Elevate Young Minds

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About Elevate Young Minds

Elevate Young Minds is a youth-driven organisation, that gives young people a platform to act on current global issues. We intensively engage our members in creative volunteering and leadership opportunities, to help them develop innovative approaches to addressing global issues. Supporting the development of emerging artists, entrepreneurs and leaders in Manchester and across the world. We currently operate with a globally shared target of developing 10,000 young Artists, Social Entrepreneurs and Leaders, under the United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals.


About the Black Youth Forum

Elevate Young Minds host the Black Youth Forum. It’s  A safe space, focused on Revealing, Questioning, and Dismantling. A starting point in our fight to dismantle racist systems, this project creates youth-driven space that amplifies youth voices and explores resolutions to overt and systematic racism. The forum will specifically explore racism and the intersectionalities of racism, looking at its unique impacts on black women and members of the LGBTQ+ community. A space that supports black youth engagement and understanding of Global politics, Diplomacy and policy thinking. Join us every Saturday morning via zoom. 


Twitter: @elevate_young

Facebook: @elevateyoungminds

Instagram: @elevateyoungminds